Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Operation Set Up: Accomplished

Just an FYI, there is a very good chance that these headings are only going to get more lame. There's nothing I can do about that. I'll try to at least make them relevant.

But yes, this morning yielded a successful engine/chassis decoupling. She put up a mean fight though. I struck hard in the first three rounds, quickly unleashing my wrenching abilities on her bell section, and my opponent seemed within KO's reach. But then the beast threw me a quick one as she tried to pawn off the Jungle Cat (twisty pipes leading into the catalytic converter), as my foil. After ravaging and slicing it to shreds in round five with a sawzall, I realized I had gotten nowhere. But I didn't back down, found that the beast's weak ankle was really her (giant thin metal piece thing that goes between the flywheel and the motor but I actually have no idea what it's called or how I could personify it), and finished her. Mortal Kombat style. For rizzle.

Anyway, here's a few pictures:

Again, if anyway wants a motor, it honestly is in great condition. The car has about 70,000 miles on it, and the motor was never a problem, just that shitty Bosch fuel injection that controlled it.

And tomorrow is another day. I gotta get this drawn up in CAD.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Operation Set Up

Only had a couple hours to work on the car today, but as I said: I would indeed get work done.

The rigging is set up to pull the motor. It's definitely a home-brew contraption, but I am in full confidence that it will work. Here's it is:

I've got the block and tackle on loan from my cousin. It's hanging from a tow strap that circles a main beam that runs down the middle of the house. It's definitely strong. But to be doubly safe, we're going to set two adjustable lally columns on either side of the car, further strengthening the beam.

Each column is probably rated somewhere in the neighborhood of 5000 pounds, probably a lot higher even. Aside from Superman flying in, or Batman using some gadget off his utility belt, there's not a stronger way of doing this.

Hopefully this goes well tomorrow morning. Also, if anyone's in the market for a crappy Ford Cologne motor, shoot me an email. Seriously.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Beginning... Again.

A quick update- actually quick. College classes are over as of last Thursday. TVR work begins as of tomorrow.

Stay tuned.

'Til then... enjoy: